Saturday, March 8, 2008

Return of Schnitzel and the Plague

so today marks the 7th time djavad has been sick since ive been living with him, and when he gets sick he really gets sick. im talking deathly ill sick. i've come to call it The Plague. i usually stay out of the room or take a double dose of vitamins to defend it. unfortunately it got me today, and gave me a bit of a cold. so i missed my day trip to Graz, Austria and got to spend the day with my suffering roomy. im trying to think of a new name for room 606. i was thinking either 'sick bay' or 'the deathly hallows'.

On the other hand, the game last night was a lot of fun. it wasnt the game so much that was exciting but the extracurricular activities of the fans next to us. we sat in the section next to the opposing fans section. their part was fenced off but that didnt stop them from throwing flares onto the field and firecrackers and non-alcoholic beer at the group of people i was with. we werent even wearing the home teams colors (i for one was wearing neutral austrian red). we were just the closest people on the upper deck for them to hit. Once the home team Rapid Wein went up 2-1 with ten minutes left the amount of thrown firecrackers intensified, and i eventually became more obsessed with making sure one didnt land on me than on who won. by the end of the match police in full riot gear surrounded the other fans to make sure fights didnt break out. all in all it was a pretty good night.

Amy's dad is flying into Vienna for the night so we are going out to Centimeter, a popular restaurant in the city. i will probly have some more schnitzel, since thats all they serve in Austria. i have had so much schnitzel in the past month and a half and i am soooo sick of it. its not even that good. its just fried meat. thats all it is. i dont understand why its so popular here. here, you can be the judge:

at least the beer is good here...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Deathly Hallows ... fo Sho
and PS. today on that their making that book into TWO movies, not just one. Awesommmmmmme!