I’m back from the Middle Ages and now have the internet. And no I was not downloading porn. Djavad would disapprove. Its been about two weeks so I have no idea where to begin.
I’ll just knock off Prague real quick. Prague was a lot of fun. Like all European cities it had old buildings with lots of statues and whatnot. I found the city to be kind of dirty though. A fellow study abroader said “it smells like an ashtray, indoors and out.” There were also a lot of tourists but what the hell I blended right in. My only complaint was the large number of gypsies roaming the streets. They have so many tricks to try to get your money like distracting you with children and candy. The night life was pretty fun. Absinthe is for the most part is legal in Prague and I also found the sweet 5 story club on the river that Kojich was raving about. Unfortunately both nights we got completely lost and couldn’t find our hostel. The first night we took a streetcar outside of the city. We were too drunk to realize it until we crossed the river (oops). So we got off before we reached Poland and somehow had to rely on the French language to get us back to our hostel. The second night was a typical “its 5:30 am public transportation isn’t running anymore” night, so we ended up walking across the entire city and got back to our hostel just about when the sun was rising. All in all it was a good weekend.
But I live in Vienna, which is another freakin’ sweet city full of history and culture and dog poop on the sidewalks. I live in the Haus Erasmus, which is another name for International Scott Hall. I’m not going to question the legend that is Scott Hall but Haus Erasmus can get pretty nuts. There are no RA’s here so we can’t get written up or “fuck with Dave” but there is a guy who runs around in a mad scientist lab coat who can fine you for not partying in the designated “party rooms”. It’s a pretty sweet deal except they shut off you internet for leaving iTunes open for the masses to stream, but I’ve learned that lesson. Haus Erasmus is pretty much in Vienna’s Red Light District. If you are walking by yourself next to a brothel the girls will try to grab you and pull you inside (very nice, how much?). The night life here is excellent, but I have some complaints. First of all, they serve their tequila shots with slices of oranges instead of limes. Its less of a chaser and more of an after-shot snack. Tequila shots are the main course at a bar/club called “Loco” where every Wednesday night is karaoke night and we get to watch people fall over the microphone singing Backstreet Boys or Michael Jackson. They also tend to make girls’ drinks a lot stronger than guys drinks. That’s ok by me except I have to recruit the females to go get them for me to get the most out of my euro. We haven’t had a whole lot to do so we went out a lot the first couple of weeks. We can get pretty ridiculous which is to be expected, but the one story I have to tell you about is the time when Pat was singing “Born in the USA” at the top of his lungs and fist-pumping without any regard to where he was while scores of angry Europeans stared at him. I’ll post more about Vienna later but that’s all for now…
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