Monday, June 16, 2008

Strategy Weekend

This last weekend I have been wrapping up my strategic management class. It was a lot of fun and only a little work so I'm real happy about that. We went to a tiny village called Nasswald (wet forest?) with a population of only 86 people. It was literally a one horse town. Seriously. There was a single horse standing around in the middle of the town. Anyway the hotel we stayed at had a big conference room that doubled as the presentation room and the viewing room for the soccer matches. We pretty much had the hotel to ourselves so they let us party until the wee hours of the morning. The bartender was even joining us. At around 1 am he came out with a full bottle of schnapps and turned up the music. The weekend was a success and he gave us all an "A" for basically showing up. I've got two more weeks of this vacation, I mean, semester. I have one more class to take that actually doesn't start for another week and only goes for 3 days. Those three days of export marketing management and I get to opt out of Accounting 301 for my Senior year. Booyah!

Tonight is do or die for Austria. I'll be in the Fanzone.


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